Monday, April 07, 2008

If I die,

Please any of you, show or convey this to my parents, not to perform any religious rituals for the cremation and not to let any of my relatives to touch me.

Note: I am just being too cautious for the unpredictable.


Anonymous said...

You are asking to show this post to the wrong address. No parents would be happy to see this.
You can have a lot of knowledge & wisdom. But one can easily understand that you are not even aware that your thoughts are very poor in quality. You must go to the self-examination.
Among us there are those that have made sacrifices and they have great works and have got great fame. And yet, in the matter of perfect love, they have not had real victory. Is it possible for a person to give his body to be burnt in martyrdom without love? Yes it is. One may be carried away by patriotism or by a foolish zeal, "Well, let me do this."
If you give your body to be burnt, I suppose you are very conscious of your martyrdom. That is the kind of doctrine and teaching which was given to many young people in Iran. "Go, go to war, you will die as a martyr." We see, that is fanaticism and not real love. Anyway, there is a part of us, which says, "I have done great things for parents." That is not true. Whatever we do for parents, it is really nothing. It is just paying a little part of our great debt to them.
Unless until you experience the role of parents you do not understand the pain. Till then all these explanation would go in vain.
Note: Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are
not your own? For ye are bought with a price

Anonymous said...

aray stupid
i don't have a skill like u , i.e to express my feelings when i am reading
these words.
but u r thinking like this is too much.if u r parents see this ...............
u think( what their thought)bez u r a great writer kada