Monday, July 28, 2008

Thank You Note

"Commonplace. I have walked so with all my girlfriends."
"I see it in every movie now-a-days."

I am very disappointed when I have got few abstract oral comments like above for my previous post and felt like deleting it. But for the sake of the pain I took to write, I retained the post. When I didn't get comments for a week, I thought, all who read disliked it. I made up my mind to forget it and to stop looking for comments. Then comes Santhi, to bring back my lost spirits with her comment. I felt so wonderful. She will never know, how much her comments weighed on me. Many thanks Santhi. I would be very glad, if you give me the critic's analysis when something doesn't seem interesting because I want to do better.


Anonymous said...

We want more scripts like this, go on 2lc

2lc said...

Pradeep, I know how sarcastic you are. I hope, someday I'll gain your heart-felt comments.

Tehzeeb said...

Have you ever thought of reason behind his sarcasm?

Anonymous said...

All da best dear

Anonymous said...

hay tulsi, we feel so happy to read u r articles,
common chanchal

Srishti said...

hey 2lc,
I actually comment only on articles I like, or which seems interesting or different, or if they say smtg to see a thing from a new angle or when they touch me.

Your last one was really good. I won't say it was anything different, it sounds like a real incident and I can understand what the girl's feelings...

I am not very expressive like u guys (in written skills), so I dont try my hand at writing.. same with wearing a critics hat [:)]
So I just try to appreciate when I really like something.

And for guys who didnt like it,I wud say - that post was just not about walking a girl home... there is more to it...

? said...

Please update, thanks! I have updated